IPO Advisory

We can take you from idea to stock market - and beyond. Whatever stage your business is at, we are your partner:

  • Advice on stock market readiness: Is your company ready to go public?
  • Structure and valuation: What type of company is suitable for an IPO?
  • Choice of stock exchange: Where can your company go public?
  • Regulated or unregulated market: Which market segment is most appropriate?
  • Calculating costs and comparing prices: What costs can you expect on your way to the stock exchange?
  • Preparing the documentation: What documents and processes will you need to complete for the IPO?
  • Prospectus or Listing Memorandum: What legal requirements do you need to comply with?
  • Choice of partners: Underwriter? Market maker?
  • Equity story: How does your company become attractive to shareholders? After the IPO: What are the legal follow-up obligations?
  • After the IPO: What are the legal follow-up obligations?

Our network includes:

  • Auditors
  • Lawyers
  • Notaries
  • Tax advisors
  • Underwriting banks
  • Market makers
  • Chartered accountants
  • Research agencies
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